Join us for Project Lugger!
On Saturday 5th August join us for International Lugger Falcon Awareness Day at the park, here in Knutsford.
2023 marks the 6 year anniversary of Project Lugger – Action in Conservation, a charitable organisation set up in May 2017 to help save the Lugger Falcon. In September 2020, thanks to Project Lugger – Lucie, the Lugger Falcon came to live at Gauntlet, to allow us to inform visitors to the park all about these magnificent birds and their declining numbers. On this special day we’ll tell you all about Lugger Falcons, and Lucie will be taking to the skies in one of our flying shows. The team from Project Lugger will be here all day to chat to our visitors, there’s also a BBQ.
To help raise funds for the charity we will be holding a raffle at the park.
You can purchase tickets on the day at the entrance/coffee shop counter. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes to be won!
All funds raised from the sale of raffle tickets and BBQ go to Project Lugger – Action in Conservation (Registered Charity (no 1187341)), you can find out more about the organisation here.
This event is open to everyone – click here to purchase our ‘Daily Entry Tickets’ or on the day at the park.
• Doors open at 11am (last entry to the park 3pm)
• Under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult
• Under 3’s go FREE
We look forward to seeing you!
Here’s Graham with our very vocal Lucie, the Lugger Falcon.

In September 2020, we received our Project Lugger poster and Lucie the Lugger Falcon came to live at the park.